Lover's Cage
Wrap Your Wood In A Cage Of Pleasure!
This sensuous cage supports your manhood and balls for mighty, make-her-moan erections! The ultra-stretchy cage stays comfortable as you go long and strong. On top, a heart-shaped tickler kisses her clit with every thrust. Turn up the removable bullet vibe’s powerful multi-speed vibrations for extra pleasure. 3 by 1.25 inches. TPR with ABS plastic bullet. Uses 3 LR44 watch batteries (included).
Key Features
- Deluxe erection cage for couples’ pleasure
- Ultra soft and stretchy material
- Full-length cage leaves head free
- Separate testicle support
- Nubby clitoral teaser
- Removable bullet vibrator
- Multispeed vibrations
- Waterproof
- Takes 3 LR44 watch batteries, 2 sets included FREE
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
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people reviewed this product at 1 stars
I found it to be somewhat tight but when my wife got it inside her hold on. She loved the extra texture and especially liked it vibration against her clit when she rode me. Longest ride she ever had with several orgasms. Didn't want to stop until she just dropped. Increased the pleasure of my own orgasm as well.
Anonymous - 7/31/2014
Interesting, fun, snug and satisfying. You may want to test fit this model backstage before the big premier to ensure smooth sailing through your debut.
GreenThumbArcher - 7/29/2017
Is amazing girlfriend loves it especially the ribbed and the vibration. She was shocked when she saw it. If you ever need some extra fun this is the product to get. Expands to your size as well.
Rogue - 7/29/2019
Yes! Yes! Yes! We cannot wait to try it again. We used some lube, slipped it on and found it wasn’t too difficult to get situated. I rode him hard, it felt so good inside and the built in vibe hit my clit perfectly. It did slip down his shaft a bit, but he said the tightness and vibes felt good for him too.
Turned Nympho @ 40 - 9/13/2019
Relatively easy to put on once erect. Cage adds a touch of girth. Vib great when in there deep. Even allowed me to take a quick break to catch my breath while the wife was driven wild by the vibrations.
Hugeass - 7/24/2019
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